Friday, June 5, 2009

Retreat Ministry - Become a Young Adult Service Team Member!

We want you!
Are you a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church who is a young adult between the ages of 21-29 looking for a year-long service internship in Retreat Ministry? The Archdiocese of Seattle is currently accepting applications for this ministry area of our Young Adult Service Team!

Have you had a great retreat experiences as a youth or young adult? Are you creative about sharing spirituality with youth and young adults? As a member of the Impact Retreat Team, you will have the opportunity to promote, plan and lead retreats for parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle. Youth and Young Adult retreat offerings may include Confirmation, Marriage Preparation, Preparing for High School, Young Adult Lenten Retreat, Relationship Retreat, Search and many more!

Team members live in community and work in a variety of internships within the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry. Interns will be provided opportunities to work in all aspects of ministry for youth and young adults, in this case, specifically in Retreat Ministry. Team members receive lodging, food, monthly stipend, and health insurance stipend in addition to training and formation. This opportunity provides hands-on ministry experience in a supportive environment.

If you would like to learn more or have any other questions at all, please contact Frances Farrell at, or call 206.382.4562. To Apply, click on the Application link on the right and mail it to:
Attn: YAST Application
710 - Ninth Ave
Seattle, WA 98104

Applications are due on Monday, July 6th, 2009 to our Office. Thank you, may God bless you in your discernment process and we hope to hear from YOU!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Service Team Members

We are happy to announce that two of the spots on the Young Adult Service Team are now filled and for the first time one of the team members will be working in Environmental Education and Outdoor Ministry.

We are excited for the entire team to be in place and start moving their year of service.