Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Summer Formation Program

The OYYAM Staff is busy preparing the summer formation for next year's service team. We already have several great presenters lined up to help form the team and prepare them for a year of ministry in the Archdiocese.

The team is set to move in August and will spend 6 weeks developing professionally, personally and as a community. We are really excited for this new team to come and get started in their ministries.

The new service team will officially be commissioned at the Fall Gathering at the Palisades on September 11.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Interviews are underway

Interviews for the Young Adult Service Team are currently underway. With several complete we are excited for the team that is already taking shape. Please pray for the newest Service Team Members, and look for an updated introduction as each of them is put in place.