Retreat Ministry
Had great retreat experiences as a youth or young adult? Creative about sharing spirituality with youth and young adults? As a member of the Impact Retreat Team, you will have the opportunity to promote, plan and lead retreats for parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle. Youth and Young Adult retreat offerings may include Confirmation, Marriage Preparation, Preparing for High School, Young Adult Lenten Retreat, Relationship Retreat, Search and many more!
Environmental Education
Love the outdoors? Enjoy teaching youth about the beauty of God’s creation? Environmental stewardship and education are at the core of this service internship. Duties performed and skills learned include outreach to Catholic schools and parishes through presentations, as well as leading groups in our residential environmental education program. Learn to conduct research and enhance our curriculum with sustainability, environmental concern, and spirituality in a Catholic context.
Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Enjoy working with diverse populations? Want to further the spirit of Communion and celebrate the rich diversity of our local Church? Work with La Red Hispanic Network of young adult leaders in providing networking opportunities and ongoing formation for leaders serving in parishes. Develop and implement retreats serving our Hispanic youth and young adult populations. Assist in the planning and coordination of leadership development opportunities utilizing resources on local, regional and national levels, as well as involvement in issues of social justice.
Do you like seeing young people grow in ability, confidence and social skills? Are you interested in sports and spirituality? Do you believe in the values of sports that can positively shape the lives of young people? CYO Athletics serves upwards of 9000 non-duplicated athletes throughout the school year in six sports. Service team members working with CYO Athletics would have the opportunity to assist in the administration of the program as well as hands on experience with coaches and athletes.
Summer Camping
Passionate about Camping? Want to learn more about what it takes to plan and manage a safe and educational Catholic summer camping experience for youth of all ages? This service internship focuses on all aspects of summer camp management and administration. Learn about everything that happens in the off-season to make a summer camp work. Assist in program design and planning, marketing, and staff recruitment, all while living in community at CYO Camp Don Bosco or Camp Hamilton.
Event Planning
Are you organized, detail oriented, and creative? Would you live to explore the field of event planning? Put your talents to work helping us vision, plan and execute Archdiocesan youth and young adults events. Participate on event planning committees with a diverse group of individuals from all over the Archdiocese. Assist with roles such as designing publicity brochures, developing new workshops, searching locally, regionally and nationally for inspirational speakers and musicians, stage management, AV and other on-site roles during events.
Service Programming
Are you passionate about justice and the dignity of human life? Do you think Catholic Social Teaching is the Church’s best kept secret? Would you like to work to change that by educating youth and young adults through experiential learning about this important body of teaching? This volunteer internship focuses on archdiocesan service and mission programs for youth and young adults. Expand your knowledge of CST while working to plan mission week experiences locally and abroad. Help coordinate all aspects of mission week planning including staff recruitment, promotional/registration material development, scheduling, partnering with local social services agencies, and developing training and preparation materials for participants. Planning culminates in the opportunity to staff one or more mission week sites as a site director.
Campus Ministry
Did you have an awesome campus ministry experience? Would you like to be a part of ensuring that all Catholic students have the opportunity to grow in faith in a supportive Catholic community? Outreach is at the heart of this service internship. Team members will focus their efforts on outreach to college campuses without formal Catholic campus ministry, to develop solid Catholic student clubs. Team members will work with student leaders to plan programming, special masses on campus, and connect them to a network of their peers.
Do you believe that technology can be used to further the kingdom? We’ve all heard the negative hype. This is your chance to help us show how technology can be used for good. Put your tech skills to work for the Church in Western Washington.